Our Services

No matter what your situation, we have a service that fits your needs.

Dune Hollow

Remote Administration

Is Remote Administration right for me?

  • I have implemented Salesforce but don’t have the staff to support it or know how to manage it properly.
  • As Salesforce is constantly evolving, I need help understanding how these changes impact my business.
  • Although I know that the system needs to be managed, I do not require a full-time resource.
A woman wearing headphones and using two computers.
A group of people sitting at a table with laptops.

Project Services

Is Project Services right for me?

  • “I currently have Salesforce and I am looking to derive more value from it in a quick and efficient manner. I have a vision of a solution, but I require a complete team to implement it.
  • My business is undergoing changes, and I need to quickly adapt my system to support these changes.
  • Additionally, I need to connect Salesforce with my other mission-critical systems.”

Staff Augmentation

Is Staff Augmentation right for me?

  • I currently have a team working for me, but I am missing some of the key skills necessary to achieve success.
  • I need to enhance my team's capacity to accelerate my vision.
  • Additionally, I am looking for ways to lower costs while increasing the value my business provides.
  • Lastly, I am seeking to quickly put together a team that has experience with Salesforce.
A group of people sitting around a table.